Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nucor Corporation Case Essay

Summary: For more than 20 years the Nucor Corporation has been one of the leading manufacturers of steel and steel related products in the world. With their technology advancement, low debt ratio, decentralized type of organization and many more, this company still thrives to achieve better goals in their company. Aside from the positive views of the company, it also faced problems like bankruptcy. (te pakidagdagan n lng) History: Nucor traced its origins to auto manufacturer Ransom E. Olds, who founded Oldsmobile, and later, Reo Motor Cars. Through a series of transactions, the company eventually became the Nuclear Corporation of America, a company involved in the nuclear instrument and electronics business. In 1972, the firm changed its name to Nucor Corporation. By 1998, it had become America’s second-largest steel maker. Operations: Nucor related its diverse facilities in rural areas across the United States, establishing strong ties to its local communities and its work force. As a leading employer with the ability to pay top wages, it attracted hard-working, dedicated employees. These factors also allowed Nucor to select from among competing locales, siting its operations in states with tax structures that encouraged business growth and regulatory policies that favored the company’s commitment to remaining union-free. By mid-2008, Nucor operated 53 facilities throughout the United States and one in Point Lisas, Trinidad. The company also maintained operations through wholly owned subsidiaries, Harris Steel and the David J. Joseph Company (DJJ). Strategy: Nucor’s strategy focused on two major competencies: building steel manufacturing facilities economically and operating them productively. Organization Structure: Compared to the typical Fortune 500 company with 10 or more management layers, Nucor’s Structure was decentralized, with only the four management  layers illustrated below: Chairman / Vice Chairman / President Vice President / Plant General Manager Department Manager Supervisor Human Resource Policies: Employee relations at Nucor were based on four principles: 1. Management is obligated to manage Nucor in such a way that employee will have the opportunity to earn according to their productivity. 2. Employees should feel confident that if they do their jobs properly, they will have a job tomorrow. 3. Employees have the right to be treated fairly. 4. Employees must have an avenue of appeal when they believe they are being treated unfairly. Compensation: Nucor provided employees with a performance-related compensation system. All employees were covered under one of four compensation plan, each featuring incentives for meeting specific goals and targets. 1. Production Incentive Plan * employees directly involved in manufacturing were paid weekly bonuses based on actual output in relation to anticipated production tonnages produced. The bonuses were paid only for work that met the quality standards and were pegged to work group, rather than individual output. 2. Department Manager Incentive Plan * Department managers earned an annual incentive bonus based on the performance of the entire plan to which they belonged. The targeted performance criterion here was return on assets. 3. Non-Production and Non-Department Manager Incentive Plan * All employees not in the Production Incentive Plan or Department Manager Incentive Plan – including accountants, engineers, secretaries, clerks, and receptionists – received a bonus based primarily on each plant’s return on assets. It could total over 25% of an employee’s base salary. 4. Senior Officers Incentive Plan * Included all corporate executives and plant general managers. A portion of pre-tax earnings was placed into a pool that was divided among the officers. If Nucor did well, the officers’ bonuses, in the form of stock (about 60%) and cash (about 40%), could amount to several times their base salaries. If Nucor did poorly, an officer’s compensation was only base salary and, therefore, significantly below the average pay for this level of responsibility. Information Systems: Benefits: Nucor took an egalitarian approach toward employee benefits. Nucor’s benefit program also attested to the company’s commitment to education. Technology: Nucor did not have a formal R&D department, a corporate engineering group, or a chief technology officer. Instead, it relied on equipment suppliers and other companies to do the R&D, and they adopted the technological advancements they developed – whether in steel or iron making, or in fabrication. Teams composed of mangers, engineers, and machine operators decided what technology to adopt. Future: The company’s biggest challenge (in the future) is to continue to grow the company at 15 – 20% per year, and to keep earnings parallel with its growth. Analysis: Nucor Corporation became one of the top corporations in the steel industry because of their handwork and technology innovation. This company also sees and takes care of its employee’s needs, which in return gives them  a quality service in their work. Conclusion: Nucor, even though we can see it as a successful, almost perfect company, still faces problems like other businesses in the industry. Problem: The company has lost one-third to one-half of its market value when the stock reached its peak value (mid-2008), and has not recovered as of 2012. Recommendation: We can recommend change in the company’s technology, like getting more advance equipments in making steel and steel-related products. Or the company could make a merger to other company to utilize its resources to its maximum while keeping cost low.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethical Perspective on Assisted Suicide Essay

Moral and ethical debates attempted to resolves controversial issues but never seem to end with everyone agreeing. Often these ethical and moral debates are complex and involve opinions persuaded by religion or customs and have legal implications to consider. Physician assisted death is one of these very complex and controversial issues that all people will never agree on. Many questions arise in the debate of physician assisted death such as patients’ rights, physicians controlling the right if someone lives or dies, a patience’s mental state, a family member’s rights, religious beliefs of the parties involved and the law. Philosophers attempt to explain the different theories that people will use to argue their belief systems in terms of logic and reasoning. For example, some people may take the position of a deontologist who would argue that it is our moral duty to support and sustain life therefore assisted suicide should not be allowed. Unfortunately, this very emotional thought provoking debate is not a â€Å"black and white issue,† as most ethical arguments are not. In the situation of physician assisted death I disagree with the deontologist point of view that it is immoral for a physician to assist a patient in suicide. I believe as some relativist due, that as long as the patient is fully capable of making this decision and the patient is in a constant state of agony, then the patient has the right to make the choice to live or die. A relativist believes that morals are only relative to that particular society and if physician assisted death was considered moral in that group then it would be considered a moral act. Neither theory is without flaws as some deontologist even share my point of view and some relativist can be very extreme in what they feel is relative to being morally right or wrong. The bottom line is that people will probably never completely agree on this subject. Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Physician assisted death is also referred to as PAD. Physician assisted death is the more politically and ethical term versus physician assisted suicide. There is also a difference that should be made known between euthanasia and PAD. In a situation of euthanasia the physician administers the lethal does by injection to the patient ending the patient’s life. In physician assisted death the doctor write a prescription for a pill that the patient oluntarily administers themselves that will end their own life. Physician assisted death is now legal in two states, where Organ passed the law in 1994 and Washington state passed the law in 2008. That means in forty eight states it is against the law to assist the patient either directly or indirectly in ending the patient’s life. If a physician even provides information to the patient that would f acilitate their death the doctor can face criminal charges and lose their medical license. Many people are familiar with the radical doctor Dr. Jack Kevorkian who used the method of euthanasia. Dr. Kevorkian is responsible for euthanatizing over 130 people some of which were either clinically depressed or terminally ill. Dr. Kevorkian created a huge debate across the United States that gave rise to many questions such as to the legality of the constitutional laws and ethical perspectives. Laws that are passed don’t not always represent a societies ethical views and vice versus a, some ethical standards are against the law. If everyone had the perspective of relativists, then the laws would vary from city to city. For example, every other city could be for physician assisted death or against it creating a checkered board effect of laws that very from city to city. This because the relativist believes that morals are only relative to what the society believes. Dr. Kevorkian was tried in a Michigan court on four of assisting suicide and was convicted of one count which has videotaped and released to the popular television show â€Å"60 Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Minutes. † Another doctor by the name of Derek Humphry’s whose wife died a slow agonizing death by cancer started a foundation in his wife’s memory, called the Hemlock Society to provide information to dying patients on how to take the â€Å"final exit. † (Howard Ball 2012) Medical technology has advanced over the years and has allowed us to live healthier and more active life styles. However, with medical advancement came the ability to prolong life and at times keeping patients alive beyond what I feel God has called them to live. At the point in life when a person is being kept alive by a machine breathing for them and intravenous nutrition being given, one has to ask themselves is this â€Å"has medical treatment gone too far by interfering with a natural part of dying. † It seems medical technology has crossed the line at times because it is no longer a matter of improving the quality of life but prolong a natural death. There is a moral dilemma that is taken place where doctors are making billions of dollars by providing long term health care to patients beyond what nature has called for. During the twenty century medical technology advance to point of creating an epidemic where people could live longer lives but it didn’t always guarantee a quality life. Without being able to take care of oneself or enjoy the life they worked hard to create many people feel they don’t want to live a life of suffering. Many people feel they have lost their dignity and don’t want their friends and family to remember them in a feeble state of being. This brings up the question of what is happiness and considered quality of life. I believe the deontologist perspective takes away a human beings right to choose how a person wants to live. A deontologist will argue that life must be sustained because it is our moral duty but isn’t it our moral duty to end a human beings suffering or to let people die a natural Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death death? In fact some deontologists do believe that morals are obligations based on religious beliefs and they don’t support sustaining life in every situation. For example, if a woman was pregnant and the baby was going to cause the death of the mother then they may believe it is acceptable to terminate the pregnancy to sustain the life of the mother. Yet others could argue â€Å"who is to say what is natural,† and when someone should die. Many people who support legalizing patient assisted suicide believe it is the patient’s right to die with dignity but other would insist that society has a moral obligation to preserve life. The relativist would state if the society believes it is moral to condone patient assisted suicide then for the society it is morally correct. â€Å"The view of ethical relativism regards values as determined by one’s own ethical standards, often those provided by one’s own culture and background. Rather than insisting that there are moral absolutes, moral claims must be interpreted in terms of how they reflect a person’s viewpoint; moral claims are then said to be â€Å"right in a given culture† or â€Å"wrong for a given society. (Mosser, K 2010) Those that argue against physician assisted death will argue it is our duty to protect and preserve all life. People will argue their points of views using logic, reasoning and provide supporting evidence. However, in the case of ethical debates there often is not any evidence to support a claim on either side of the issue. Consequently, as much as people will try to argue their point of view with reasoning an d logic their emotions can get in the way and make it difficult to persuade the other person. Many times the family is involved in the case of physician assisted death and each family member may have different ethical beliefs then the patient. This can make the decision even more painful as we taken into consideration the effects our decisions Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death have on other people. Philosophers attempt to explain how people will argue their point of view by providing different ethical theories as with relativism and deontology. The deontologist believes that it is our moral duty to protect and preserve life and that physician assisted suicide is an immoral act. Rather than looking at the consequences of an act, deontology looks at the reason for which an act is done, and the rule according to which one choose to act. Deontology doesn’t deny that acts have consequences; rather, insists that those consequences should not play a role in our moral evaluation of such acts. †(Mosser K 2010) Under the deontology theory a person would claim that it is wrong for a physician to assist a patient in committing suicide because the result is death and we are to preserve life not assisting in taking their life. Deontology and Ethics 2013) This theory would provide that there is no reason good enough to go against ones moral and civic duty even if it means allowing someone to suffer in pain, which ignores the patients’ rights. The terminally ill patient not only wants to live with having their quality of life and having dignity but they also want to die with dignity. The terminally ill patient has few options such as suicide or living in extreme pain. Some patients are too ill to even get out of bed to be able to commit suicide. Terminally ill patients that are suffering should not be made to feel demoralized for wanting to end their suffering. If the patient has paid into a life insurance fund all their life the company mostly likely will not pay their loved ones death benefits if they commit such an act. The problem is patient assisted death is not recognized as a medically necessary procedure. There is also a great stigma that comes along with committing suicide that the families have to live with after their loved one has died. I belief in the individual autonomy Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Many family members feel disgraced that their loved one acted against their religious beliefs. (Lois Snyder, JD, and Daniel P. Sulmasy 2001) Family members can find themselves in court fighting again other members of their family to keep their loved ones alive. Going to court can be an emotionally painful process and doing so puts the patient through more emotional agony. Many families will break apartment because their ethical views differ so greatly. Roman Catholic Church has been the one biggest contesters of physician assisted death. Ethical arguments are based on beliefs systems that are learned through culture and religion therefore are only relative to that person or society. The One of the issues with relativism is that is a person’s beliefs can be too extreme and farfetched. Under the law of relativism any belief system relevant to that person would be considered ethical even murdering someone. Many doctors and nurses struggle with their feeling on patient assisted death because their morals and ethical views tell them it is wrong to assist a patient in death but they have great sympathy seeing their patients in pain and they want to help. Also, doctors take the Hippocratic Oath which states that doctors will never harm their patients but I argue the facts that prolonging death is harming the patient and takes away their constitutional right to choose death. Many religions believe as deontologist do in that is against their religion to assist someone in procuring their own death but that is exactly it the issue that it their belief system and not everyone’s. The constitutional represents the Liberty Due process clause that says it is a fundamental right for terminally ill patients to die with dignity by the assistance of a medical professional. Lawyers have argued the fourteenth amendment which allows a doctor to remove life support as the last dying will and testament of the patient yet a physician cannot medically assist a patient in ending the life of a terminally ill person who is verbally requesting it. (Howard Ball 2012) Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Moral and ethical debates spark heated debates and cause controversial issues and never seem to end with everyone agreeing. These ethical and moral debates are complex and involve opinions persuaded by religion or customs nd have legal implications that must be consider. Physician assisted death a very complex and controversial issues that all people will never agree on. There are a lot questions that arise in the debate over physician assisted death such as patients’ rights, physicians controlling the right if someone lives or dies, a patience’s mental state, a family member’s rights, religious beliefs of the parties involved and th e law. It seems that both theories have their flaws. The relativist can be too extreme in their view points because anything can be considered moral if the society feels it is relative. While the deontologist view point is too constrictive and only takes into consideration that a person’s morals are their obligation and a duty to others. The deontologist would ignore the right of the patients even if they were suffering to conform to their obligations and moral duties. I am partial to believing that the patient has a right to choose if they want to live or die under certain circumstances. I believe that morals and ethics are not built on one theory alone but on many parts of theories that consist of logic and reasoning. People will continue to understand the different ethical theories that explain why certain societies believe the way they do. Some people may take the position of a deontologist who would argue that it is our moral duty to support and sustain life therefore assisted suicide should not be allowed. Unfortunately, this very emotional debate has many dynamics, as most ethical arguments do. In the situation of physician assisted death I disagree with the deontologist point of view and feel it is immoral to take away a patients right to end their own suffering. I believe to a certain extent as some relativist believe, that as long as the patient is fully capable of making Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death this decision and the patient is in a constant state of agony, then the patient has the right to make the choice to live or die. The relativist believes that morals are only relative to that particular society and if physician assisted death was considered moral in that group then it would be considered a moral act. Each theory has flaws. Some deontologist share my point of view and some relativist can be very extreme in what they feel is relative to being morally right or wrong. The bottom line is people will probably never completely agree on this subject. As our society evolves and continues to become more liberal in their ethical views on controversial topics such as gay marriage, abortion and personal liberties more states will continue to pass laws support physician assisted death.

Status of Women in the United States

The status of women in the United States throughout history has grown significantly. Throughout history women had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than. Women were seen to be just wives and mothers and take care of the homes while the husbands worked. Women did not have a say in having jobs, voting, or even attending college. It appears that a lot of things began to change around the 19th and 20th century. For example in the beginning of the 19th century, women began working outside the homes in large numbers, in textile mills and garment shops.The medical profession had also changed their attitude about women as well. This was considered to be suitable work for women. In the 1920's women were given the right to vote, however their political roles were minimal. Women have made a noticeable mark in the world today. Men have become more acceptable of the different roles we play. The change throughout the years have been reflected in the politics, employment and even in our s tatus within the home. 2. The status of women in the U. S. is that women are getting some of the same benefits as men.There are many organizations that fight for the equality of women and they are succeeding. When we look at how women are now allowed to be doctors and nurses, and receive the same pay. We also now see women in the courtrooms as judges and working in the construction area beside the men. Women have advanced greatly and have a lot to be proud of . We are striving daily to be treated fairly with the men and it is well deserved. There may be a small percentage of males that may feel that women are not equal to them, however, the larger percentage feels that women are equal.Women have struggled for years to be next to man and not in front or in back. Women work just has hard as a man and Appendix H3. however, the larger percentage feels that women are equal. Women have struggled for years to be next to man and not in front or in back. Women work just has hard as a man and should be paid just as well as a man. 3. Some of the concepts of masculinity and femininity I that I see in the society and in the media would be such as men should only be truck drivers, construction workers, railroad workers. Women should be in jobs such as nurses, homemakers, daycare providers, retail in the ladies departments.As far as the media is concerned, it is a little tricky to me because we now see men and women doing the news and also doing different television shows. Men used to be seen only doing the tough roles as gang members with guns and so forth. Women are now portrayed in these types of roles a well. Women and men may be seen as equally sharing these kinds of roles when it comes to the media. I think that it is a good thing for them to share roles equally. They both work hard and should be treated fairly. 4. The social status of GLBT people historically has been that they were not accepted into society years ago.They could not let society know that they were cou ples or they would either be jailed or even hurt. Most the them would have to keep their relationships hidden from society and even from their own families due to the ridicule that they would suffer. Many men and women would have to pretend that they were heterosexual in society so that they would not be judged. They could not be open and honest about their true identity. 5. The status of the LGBT is today's society is that they are accepted more into society. They have many activist that fight for their rights to be equal and they have won.For example, the biggest victory was same sex marriage. A lot of couples that were not able to broadcast their relationships are now able to be married. Appendix H4. 5. continued The couples are now able to enter society and be a family outside their homes without feeling judged. They are able to express their feelings openly through rallies, blogs, and in the media. They have come a long way and are proud of their accomplishments. 6. I believe t hat some of the social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT people in the United States is that same places of business are still having an issue with treating them fairly.For example, if a gay couples enters a place of business, they are automatically frowned upon and some are given less than fair treatment. When it comes to women, they are can be treated unfairly as far as when a woman goes to have her car repaired or if she goes to purchase a car. Many may see her as a helpless person and that she is not aware of what she is doing and will try to take advantage of her. The political issues are that the GLBT are seen in the news as constantly protesting and fighting for their rights.Many people in the political arena who do not like this group will not support any cases, any bills to be passed to support this group. As for the political issues for women, I would have to say for an example regarding the support of abortion laws. Some on the political parties may not agre e with this and so they will not support any passing of laws regarding abortion. Appendix H5. References http://www. now. org http://www. equalityfederation. org Papachristou, Judith, ed. Women Together: A History in Documents of the Women's Movement in the United States. New York: Knopf, 1976.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Essay Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Essay - Movie Review Example But still, it has to be remembered. And to stress the sensitivity of the narrative and its sensitivity for being remorseful of what it has done, the memorial should not be placed together with other commemorative monuments. The atrocity should be remembered in its proper perspective where it should impress a narrative that people should not forget. The proposal of having a subterranean museum was just a reaction of the Germans not to create something bombastic and authoritarian with a big rock telling them what to think. But even if a monument will be a bombastic rock telling them what to think, it should still be erected to ever remember their crimes and never to forget its lesson. I agree with Norman Finkelstein that U.S. taxpayer’s money should not be used to fund to commemorate the victims of the holocaust. This is not to show insensitivity and disrespect for what happened to the Jews but it is the Jews and Germans who should dispense their resources for its commemoration because they are the protagonists of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Innovative Organisations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Innovative Organisations - Case Study Example In this paper, the author presents the characteristics of innovations of General Electric (GE). The presentation includes history of GE, innovation characteristics of GE, the most innovative service of GE and the perspective of how the author can contribute to the innovations of GE. Thomas Edison established the Edison General Electric Company in 1890. The series of innovations in GE started from the founder himself who invented one of the greatest products of this age - the electric lamp. In 1892, the Edison General Electric Company merged with their competition Thomson-Houston Company amidst common interests to for the "General Electric Company". The GE Global research still honours the heritage, legacy & dignity of Edison in their R&D activities ( In the modern business world, GE has a wide range of products in the fields of lighting, electrical distribution, renewable energy, aviation, healthcare, business & consumer finance, Oil & Gas, water treatment & processing, railroads, media & entertainment and security ( In the area of process innovations, GE is one of the first companies of the world to implement Six Sigma successfully. Goldstein, Mark (2001. pp37, 39) a Six Sigma consultant comments that the foundations of this best practice that was implemented in GE Appliances in 1995 (and later on rolled out to the rest of GE Company by year 2000 as per the target set by Jack Welch) is yet to be seen in any other organization. GE proved that best practices cannot be adopted for the name sake rather the fundamental commitment to them by virtue of the foundations of innovative culture makes the difference. GE thrilled the entire world by demonstrating the level of value addition that they could achieve to their top line and bottom line - that means increased revenues at reduced costs. It is the sound fundamentals of innovative business processes of GE that has ensured them to be in profit even in these tough times. At the end of financial year 2008, GE has built an overall market cap of $105 bill ion with Price/Earnings ratio at 5.60, Price/Sales ratio at 0.58, Price/Book ratio at 1.0 and Price/Cash Flow ratio of 3.6. The return on equity achievement was 16.60, return on assets was 2.20 and Return on investment as 4.0. Except Price per book that is evaluated in most recent quarter, all other figures published are trailing twelve months ( The net income of GE in 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 is $16.72 Billion, $20.742 Billion, $22.20 Billion and $17.41 Billion respectively ( period=1). The company presented impressive financial performance in the markets amidst global financial turmoil. The strength of GE has been built as a result of their remarkable contribution to the mankind that has changed the lives of people and the global economies as whole. GE has a major financial services business that is going to pose trouble to the overall organization given the turbulent times in the current scenario and the questions

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Islam - Assignment Example The origin of Islam is credited to Mohammad. He experienced an angelic visitation from Archangel Gabriel. The angel handed him the Quran and recited the first verses of Surah XCVI2. The pillars of Islam are: Shaddah, Salat, Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj3. They signify the things Muslims believe in as Commanded by Allah. The five pillars of Islam provide a framework on how Muslims should act. The pillars were summarized in the hadith of angel Gabriel. Shahada is an Islamic creed and a testimony of faith. The Shahada is the most important pillar as it should be known to any Muslim convert. Salat is the daily Muslim prayer. Muslims pray five times a day. Zakat is the pillar that emphasizes on giving to the needy. Sawm is the pillar which emphasizes on fasting on the holy month of Ramadan. In this month Muslims abstain from food, drinks and sexual relations. The fifth pillar is the hajj. Hajj is the pilgrimage journey to Mecca. Performing the hajj is usually a compulsory activity at least once i n a lifetime to people who are physically fit. Salat is the most significant worship. It originated from the Quran, Salat Al-Fajr 24:58, Salat Al-Isha 24:58 and Al-Salat Al-Wusta 2384. Muslims believe praying five times a day can clean all the sins of a person. At the beginning, Salat was performed three times a day. The Quran specifies three positions of performing Salat. These are standing, bowing and prostrating. Salat is the formal procedure of worship to Muslims. It has prescribed procedure, conditions and the time to be practiced. In the holy Quran, Salat is performed while standing bowing and prostrating. During the prayer Muslims are required to wash themselves before praying, an activity known as Wuddu. The main importance of Salat is to act as a person’s communicator to God. During Salat one is able to communicate more intimately with God5. It is also during Salat that Muslims have a form al way of remembering Allah. It is during Salat that Muslims give thanks to Go d for all their possessions and blessings and also pray for other needs. Salat also helps a Muslim to refrain from the social ills and moral deviancy6. Sahih Bukhari collection of hadith says that Mohammed considered salat as the best deed. According to prophet Mohamed, Allah does not listen to the cries of a person while talking but listens to person’s cries while praying. He continued and said that mercy always drops on a person’s head while praying. Salat is usually practiced at dawn, noon, afternoon, evening and night time. Adhan refers to calling of Muslims to prayer. It comprises of words that envelop the fundamentals of faith, worship and Islamic rituals. As affirmed in Bukhari, Muslims went to Madinah at prearranged time for prayer. Umar planned appointing a man to call out for prayer by recite the words of Adhan.7 It is recited from the minaret so that it can be heard from a distance, and melodiously to titivate their voice for it8. Salah is one of the pillars of Islam and prayer is the best form of worship. Every Muslim should endeavor to earn Pleasure of Allah. According to Surah 51:56, â€Å"I have created Jinns and men that they may serve me,† Adhan calls persons to prayer and proper relations. This has an effect on the performance of Salah. Adhan is a procedure in which Muslims are called to mandatory prayer. It is done five times a day to call Muslims to perform the Salat. Adhan is performed by the muezzin. Adhan is also done to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Management - Essay Example Diversity, gender, and philosophy are becoming increasingly important variables for a manager to base decisions on (Hersey, Blanchard, & Johnson, 2001, p. 160). Its imperative that they be able to act, react, and interact in a management environment where they may seem to have little control, yet are actively engaged in command. Lets face it. The goal is the bottom line, the bottom line is the goal and getting there requires that a company maintain a workforce that is highly productive. Buckingham and Coffman (1999) assert that the role of the manager is crucial in providing the company with the four vital signs of a healthy business; Productivity, Profitability, Retention, and Customer Satisfaction (p. 31). Yet, all of these key components are influenced by the differing perceptions each employee has of their own role. Though some points may overlap, it is striking that the points most influenced by managers are also related to employee satisfaction and retention (Buckingham, et. al., 1999, p. 33). These points will vary across the workforce and will manifest as ability and readiness to perform a given task (Hersey, et. al., 2001, p. 176). Once again, the manager will have to maintain control over the resource. In the case of ability, two major components are knowledge and skill (Hersey, et. al, 2001, p. 176). Having the materials, knowing what is expected, and the opportunity to excel are also components that make up greater employee satisfaction (Buckingham, et. al., 1999, p. 34). In fact the way to safeguard against under-achieving employees in complacent positions is to enhance employee status through ongoing training programs (Hersey, et. al., 2001, p. 168). This insures that the workforce has the necessary ability to do the job and a greater motivation to do the task. The willingness of an employee to perform will also be tested. An employee requires a duty to their position, assurance that they have the ability, and a desire to do the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Evaluation of General Plan (urban planning course) Essay

Evaluation of General Plan (urban planning course) - Essay Example Additionally, the general plan seeks to enhance service delivery to the current residents of the city. The city has a general plan that provides an accurate guideline for ensuring economic development in the city. The authorities plan to improve the workforce, create jobs, maintain local airports, and improve the downtown area. Early this year, the planning and development department of the city of Phoenix developed and updated an elaborative and achievable general plan. The final plan was hugely based on the community suggestion and feedback concerning various economic problems in the city. As a result, the planning commission supported and approved the general plan on January 13, 2015. The city plans to improve on the type of labor force available. According to the article Plan PHX. 2015 General Plan, the economic growth and development sterns from skilled, competent, and qualified workforce in the city (94). Consequently, the expansion and building of more schools and training centers is the foundation for the city’s economic growth. Furthermore, the authorities plan to adequately fund and provide necessary resources in these training facilities. It leads to increase in the number of individuals with recognized credentials and certificates. Such an influx of professionals is a sign of economic gr owth and development. Additionally, the authorities plan to maintain and expand the airports available in the city since it is vital to economic growth and movement of people. The airports in the city are essential and necessary for bringing various businessmen and investors in the city. Furthermore, these airports generate massive revenue for the authorities. The revenues collected from businesses within the airport premises are essential in improving local infrastructure and financial strength of the city. Besides, the presence of businessmen and investors in Phoenix city is a positive and encouraging sign of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Psychology (Systems and Theories) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology (Systems and Theories) - Essay Example The science acquires knowledge through systematic study of observation, experimentation of an event or a phenomenon of interest. The hypothesis developed which is based on observation is investigated thoroughly by designing and carrying out series of experiments. Then, the experimental results are analyzed and explained in a systematized manner. The conclusions of the result verify the theory proposed related to observed event. Thus, in a scientific research, hypothesis is verified and a theory or the principle of the phenomenon is established. Every psychological research is evaluated as science. The scientific methods are applied to study human behavior to get accurate understanding of past, present and future behavior. The psychology scientifically studies emotional processes related to perception, cognition, personality, behavior and interpersonal relationships. The psychologist scientifically intervenes a particular behavior by playing with the parameters and tries to get expect ed results through predicted behavior. The problems faced are structured according to a particular theory or scientifically acceptable principle. The experiments are designed by manipulating a situation. In the experimental procedures, the individual’s response to a particular condition is observed. The individual’s reaction is a data in scientific terms and is a measure of effect when subjected to a particular cause. The dependable parameters are varied to get set of data which is further analyzed. Likewise, the sample is also exposed to different circumstances to create a databank of situation and responses. Standards and controls as used in scientific research are also used to compare the results in psychological research. The control groups are exposed to neutral condition and sample groups are exposed to manipulated condition. Sometimes double blind studies

Scenarios week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scenarios week 4 - Essay Example The situation presented in the case of Glenbrook South High School is normal in most schools, where students with demonstrable capabilities end up failing their exams. After the results that Joanie gets, despite having spent time delivering the content as effective as she could, there is need to come up with a plan that can facilitate effective learning, application of the content and responding to questions in an exam situation. Firstly, in order to facilitate effective learning, Joanie can consider diversifying the teaching and learning style that she uses. One of these ways is to let students do the teaching. (Mwenda, 2012). For instance, a student can be assigned a single theme and allowed some time to carry an in-depth research then come and share the same with the rest of the class. In essence, learners grasp more what they have actively participated in than what has been imposed on them from the teacher. (Mwenda, 2012). Secondly, Joanie can consider engaging the class in group work through discussions and simulations. By doing this, learners will have an opportunity to bring out what they initially thought was right when it was wrong. (Mwenda, 2012). In addition to this, the levels of confidence will be built as the learners correct each other in addition to having the freedom to share what they could have dismissed as irrelevant ideas. Further to this, low achievers can have an opportunity to learn how their well performing colleagues manage to do it. (Mwenda, 2012). In order to have the learners improve in their performance in exams, there are a number of considerations that can be included in Joanie’s teaching plans. Firstly, since the questions that the students failed were to do with memory or remembrance, a catchy and memorable plan should be in place. For instance, apart from being given a chance to read the text on their own, the teacher can organize a video show or an acted presentation of the text in order to have the students remember

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Problem question in Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problem question in Land Law - Essay Example test (exploring the degree of the item’s attachment to the ground), and the degree of annexation, (the removability) are the main legal tests that would be employed to determine who between K and V should have the rights over the sculptors. Chattels that are physically erected on the land will be considered as fixtures (Luther, 2004; Essert, 2013). In this case, K physically dug the sculptors, the studio and the greenhouse in the piece of land. Some of the properties rest on dug concrete plinths, while others are attached to similar concrete plinths with heavy metal bolts in a manner that make them more of fixtures than chattels (Holmes, 1940; Burn, Cartwright, & Maudsley, 2009). In light of their attachment, V can validly lay claims for the items as being part of the land. V’s claims are supported by the verdict in the case of Holland v Hodgson (1872) LR 7 CP 328, in which the court held that the relatively temporary looms placed on stone foundation were no longer chattels and had been mortgaged with the land as one property (McFarlane, Hopkins, & Nield, 2012; Kearney & Merrill 2013). In the case of Elitestone v Morris [1997] 1 WLR 687, the House of Lords followed the precedent set in Holland, holding that a bungalow resting concrete pillars was part of a realty since the degree of annexation was low. Williamson (2004) has said that in determining whether an item is a chattel or a fixture courts base their argument on the intent of the property owner. Following the ruling in Holland, chattels which are placed on a piece of land to enhance better enjoyment of the items in question remain fittings or while the those which are intended to improve the suitable use of the piece land should be considered as fixtures (Hamza, 2011; Hutchinson, 2010). In light of the argument, K’s studio, the greenhouse and the strategically-placed sculptors would be considered as better use of the piece of land, hence they are fixtures and should be legally retained by V. In

Monday, July 22, 2019

Caesar Biography Exam Essay Example for Free

Caesar Biography Exam Essay 1. Which speech was more persuasive? Explain your answer. * Anthony’s speech was more persuasive because all the people were convinced and went with what he said. 2. What examples of appeals to emotion did Brutus use? What examples did Antony use? Who handled the appeal to emotion better? Explain your answer. * Brutus used brotherly speech and affectation to win people over as his appeal to emotion. * Antony enters dramatically to the pulpit with Caesars body to win the sympathy of the mob. He began his speech by addressing the mob as friends. * Anthony handled the appeal to emotion better because he almost cried and the people followed him. 3. What examples of appeals to reason did Brutus use? What examples did Antony use? Who handled the appeal to reason better? Explain your answer. * Brutus makes an effective speech that appeal to reason. But he is far surpassed by the cleverness of Antony, who plays directly on the emotions of the crowd. Through the use of irony, he not only manages to suggest that Brutus and his fellow conspirators are not honorable men, he does so without violating the conditions imposed on him: that he not speak ill of the assassins. 4. What examples of appeals to ethics did Brutus use? What examples did Antony use? Who handled the appeal to ethics better? Explain your answer. * Since Anthony cannot say that Brutus and the rest of the council are evil, he uses an ethical appeal, telling the public that Brutus is noble, For Brutus is an honorable man; So are they all, all honorable men -Come I to speak in Caesars funeral. * How did Antony ultimately win over the crowd? * The people liked Caesar. The senate thought he was becoming ambitious king. When Caesar was assassinated Mark Anthony addressed the people his audience. He called Caesar a friend who was faithful and just. He gave the impression that Caesar should not have been assassinate. He reminded them that Caesar was a Great War hero and brought back slaves important to Rome and filled Romes’ coffers. That he was a generous man. He had promised to say nothing negative about the assassination of Caesar. So Antony and called the conspirators â€Å"honorable men,† but the tone of his voice spoke otherwise. When he said they are honorable men, he was actually mocking them, and the crowd caught on and started to riot. He curses those that spilt Caesars blood. That Caesars spirit needs revenge. This turns the crowd solely against the senate. * What could Brutus have done differently? * Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its people more. This is the only reason Brutus would conspire against Caesar. Had he not conspired against Caesar, things would have gone differently.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The History Of Reliance Fresh Marketing Essay

The History Of Reliance Fresh Marketing Essay Giant corporations like Wal-Mart and Reliance have started to try and take over the Indian retail sector. The entry of the giant corporate retail in Indias food market will have direct impact on Indias 650 million farmers and 40 million people employed in tiny retail. More than 6600 mega stores are planned with Rs40,000 crore by 2011. Our case is intended to cover two primary objectives which are: First, when experts and giants like future group WalMart and Reliance they are ready to start operations in retail what kind of strategies and structure they would be having to get the competitive edge over each other and established small and unorganized retailers. Second, what kind of impact has been on other retailers including unorganized ones with the opening of Reliance Fresh stores. In the following case findings about Reliance Fresh were quite awakening and exemplary. Even after recent shutdown of Reliance fresh stores from UP and unwelcoming vibes from states like Kerala, West Bengal, Orissa and Jharkhand for its retail format (which was allegedly capturing the unorganized sector and leaving thousands of self employed people jobless) Reliance was not in any mood to hamper its 25000 crore plan. Reliance responded with superb strategy in which it shifted its focus from retailer to being a supplier i.e. targeting hawkers, vendors, Push cart wheelers instead of customers. Big retailers like Reliance have huge resources and network which directly impacted many of the retailers some of whom are planning to quit. In our sample size of 75 retailers more than 30 agreed to have lost as much as 50% of their sales. This case also discusses pros and cons of contract farming which on one part assures farmers of price for their crop and knowledge about fertilizers and seed b ut on other side has some obvious drawbacks like monopoly of big retailers. As a big market in which organized sector is poised to grow with 25% 30% annually our government must come with appropriate regulations to save small retailers and our agricultural sector. BACKGROUND OF RETAIL India is a land of retail democracy- hundreds of thousands of weekly haats and bazaars are located across the length and breadth of our country by peoples own self-organizational capacities. Our streets are bazaars lively, vibrant, safe and the source of livelihood for millions. India has the highest shop density in the world, with 11 outlets per 1000 people. This does not include the village haats. Our retail democracy is characterized by: 1. High levels of livelihoods in retail with nearly 40 million employed which accounts for 8% of the employment and 4% of the entire population. 2. High levels of self organization. 3. Low capital input 4. High levels of decentralization Retail in India has started with the concept of weekly markets, where all the traders gather at one big place to sell their products every week. The people come to these weekly markets to buy the household items for the next one week. Village fairs and melas were also common as it had more of an entertainment value. Once the people started getting busy with their lives and when they turned entrepreneurial, there emerged the mom and pop shops and the kiranas in the neighbourhood. After independence, came into existence the system of Public distribution of foods through the ration shops, where food grains, sugar and oil for the daily consumption were distributed at subsidized rates through the government ration shops. The modern corporate retail formats are of the exclusive brand outlets, hypermarkets and supermarkets, departmental stores and shopping malls. But still the Indian consumer depends on the self-organized retail shops for their daily needs. This is largely due to the excell ent food retailing system that was established by the kiranas (mom and-pop) stores that continue meet with all the requirements of retail requirements albeit without the convenience of the shopping as provided by the retail chains. The Hawkers/lari galla vendors and the local kiranas are the two main forms of unorganized retail in the country, which almost account for 97% of the total retail trade. Giant corporations like Wal-Mart and Reliance have started to try and take over the Indian retail sector. Currently the value of the retail market is estimated at around $ 270 billion with a growth rate of 5.7 per cent per annum according to the Indian retail report. The size of small retail is big, the size of big retail is small, a mere Rs. 250 billion in 2004 or 3% and Rs. 485 billion or 4.7% per cent of the retail market in 2006. However, the large scale corporate retail is projected to grow at the rate of 28% to 30% per annum, reaching Rs. 1000 billion or $ 70 billion by 2010 from th e current size of US $ 8.7 billion. The tenfold increase in corporate retail will be at the cost of small scale retail, which employs nearly 10% of Indias population. The strategy here is to define the small scale self-organized retail as unorganized and the large scale corporate retail as organized. The real difference is however not unorganized vs organized. But it is self-organized vs. corporate Reliance Fresh is the convenience store format which forms part of the retail business of Reliance Industries of India which is headed by Mukesh Ambani. Reliance plans to invest in excess of Rs 25000 crores in the next 4 years in their retail division. The company already has in excess of 560 reliance fresh outlets across the country. These stores sell fresh fruits and vegetables, staples, groceries, fresh juice bars and dairy products. A typical Reliance Fresh store is approximately 3000-4000 square. feet and caters to a catchment area of 2-3 km. History Post launch, in a dramatic shift in its positioning and mainly due to the circumstances prevaling in UP, West Bengal and Orissa, it was mentioned recently in news dailies that, Reliance Retail is moving out of stocking fruits and vegetables. Reliance Retail has decided to minimise its exposure in the fruit and vegetable business and position Reliance Fresh as a pure play super market focusing on categories like food, FMCG, home, consumer durables, IT and wellness , with food accounting for the bulk of the business. The company may not stock fruit and vegetables in some states. Though Reliance Fresh is not exiting the fruit and vegetable business altogether, it has decided not to compete with local vendors partly due to political reasons, and partly due to its inability to create a robust supply chain. This is quite different from what the firm had originally planned. When the first Reliance Fresh store opened in Hyderabad last October, not only did the company said the stores main focus would be fresh produce like fruits and vegetables at a much lower price, but also spoke at length about its farm-to-fork theory. The idea the company spoke about was to source from farmers and sell directly to the consumer removing middlemen out of the way. Reliance Fresh, Reliance Mart, Reliance Digital, Reliance Trendz, Reliance Footprint, Reliance Wellness, Reliance Jewels, Reliance Timeout and Reliance Super are various formats that Reliance has rolled out. In addition, Reliance Retail has entered into an alliance with Apple for setting up a chain of Apple Specialty Stores branded as iStore, starting with Bangalore. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Today when most of the companies are busy in making profits by any means, there are few Ones who are focused to return this society, a part of what they have earned through this society. Reliance retail is one of them. Following efforts of reliance retail are aimed at benefiting the society making reliance socially responsible: 1) Reliance Retail aims at recruiting people from the underprivileged community in society. Hence, we are planning to train students from corporation schools and schools run by NGOs. And, we consider this as a part of our corporate social responsibility, he said. Asked whether the company will take students on an employment basis and pay them a stipend during the course period, he said that actually, it is planning to charge a small fee from those who want to join the course as we want to bring in some discipline and regularity among the students, and will reimburse that once they are inducted into service. 2) Farming in India is highly fragmented and subject to harsh climatic conditions: once harvested, it is very difficult to keep fruits and vegetables fresh. To secure high quality, Reliance Retail is directly sourcing fresh agricultural produce from thousands of farmers from villages through Collection Centers. With this concept, Reliance has built a business model generating shared value that links the company supply chain more closely to poor farmers in Indian villages. Reliance is providing a guaranteed market for the farmers produce, reducing transaction costs and training the farmers in better and sustainable farming practices. This initiative results in higher income and upgrading of skills for the farmers, and reduced spoilage of produce (up to 35 percent) and better quality products for Reliance retail stores. 3) Reliance retail has adopted farm to fork theory which means it is procuring Directly from the farmers thus offering them quite reasonable prices for their produce as now no intermediaries are involved. In return Reliance is giving farmers information about how can farmers improve their productivity. They have centers in villages who apart from providing information make farmers aware of market rates of different crops so that farmers can choose crops they want to sow to become profitable. farmers are provided technical help as well like information about quality of seeds and fertilizers. Service marketing environment Service marketing environment of reliance fresh can be scanned by considering the six major environment forces like demographic, economic, socio-culture, natural, technological, and political legal. As the demographic environment consists of the age mix of population, literacy and education level. Economic level consists of income distribution of different people. The rich grew by 400% in urban areas and 200% in rural areas. Socio- cultural environment consists of influence of religion, languages and customer that shapes the values and attitudes of customer preferences, habits and behaviour. Services Marketing and Marketing Mix A service is the action of doing something for someone or something. It is largely intangible (i.e. not material). A product is tangible (i.e. material) since you can touch it and own it. A service tends to be an experience that is consumed at the point where it is purchased, and cannot be owned since is quickly perishes. A person could go to a cafà © one day and have excellent service, and then return the next day and have a poor experience. So often marketers talk about the nature of a service as: Inseparable From the point where it is consumed, and from the provider of the service. For example, you cannot take a live theatre performance home to consume it (a DVD of the same performance would be a product, not a service). Intangible and cannot have a real, physical presence as does a product. For example, motor insurance may have a certificate, but the financial service itself cannot be touched i.e. it is intangible. Perishable in that once it has occurred it cannot be repeated in exactly the same way. For example, once a 100 metres Olympic final has been run, there will be not other for 4 more years, and even then it will be staged in a different place with many different finalists. Variability- since the human involvement of service provision means that no two services will be completely identical. For example, returning to the same garage time and time again for a service on your car might see different levels of customer satisfaction, or speediness of work. Right of ownership is not taken to the service, since you merely experience it. For example, an engineer may service your air-conditioning, but you do not own the service, the engineer or his equipment. You cannot sell it on once it has been consumed, and do not take ownership of it. Western economies have seen deterioration in their traditional manufacturing industries, and a growth in their service economies. Therefore the marketing mix has seen an extension and adaptation into the extended marketing mix for services, also known as the 7Ps physical evidence, process and people. Reliance Fresh Marketing Mix (7 Ps) After segmenting the market, finding the target segment and positioning itself, each company needs to come up with an offer. The 7 Ps used by Reliance Fresh are: 1. Product 2. Place 3. Price 4. Promotion 5. People 6. Physical Evidence 7. Process Target Segment what is Reliance fresh for me? A Family with children, a purchase place to be for the children. Urban customer on the move Great taste, quick service without affecting the work schedule. But keep it affordable. Product: How should the company design, manufacture the product so that it enhances the customer experience? Product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. Product includes certain aspects such as packaging, guarantee, looks etc. This includes both the tangible and the non tangible aspects of the product and service. Reliance fresh has intentionally kept its product depth and product width limited. Reliance Fresh studied the behaviour of the Indian customer and provided a totally different menu as compared to its International offering. India is the only country where reliance Fresh serve vegetarian. Even the sauces and cheese used in India are 100% vegetarian. Place: Where should be the product be available and the role of distribution channels? The place mainly consists of the distribution channels. It is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. Nearly 50% of U.S.A is within a 3 minute drive from a Reliance Fresh outlet. There is a certain degree of fun and happiness that a customer feels each time he dines at. There are certain value propositions that reliance fresh offer to its customers based on their needs. Reliance fresh offers hygienic environment, good ambience and great service. Now Reliance Fresh have also started giving internet facility at their centres and they have been playing music through radio instead of the normal music. There are certain dedicated areas for children where they can play while their parents can have some quality time together. Price: What should be the pricing strategy? Pricing includes the list price, the discount functions available, the financing options available etc. It should also take into the consideration the probable reaction from the competitor to the pricing strategy. This is the most important part of the marketing mix as this is the only part which generates revenue. All the other three are expenses incurred. The price must take into consideration the appropriate demand-supply equation. Reliance fresh came up with a very catchy punch line Growth Through Value Creation. This was to attract the middle and lower class consumers and the effect can clearly be seen in the consumer base Reliance fresh has now. Promotion: What is the suitable strategy and channels for promotion of the product? The various promotion channels being used Reliance fresh to effectively communicate the product information are given above. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decide whether the cost of promotion is worth spending. There are three main objectives of advertising for Reliance fresh are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. Reliance fresh does its promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters. They use print ads and the television programmes are also an important marketing medium for promotion. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of Reliance fresh are:  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Food and Fun People: How to converge the benefits of internal and external marketing? Reliance fresh understands the value of both its employees and its customers. It understands the fact that a happy employee can serve well and result in a happy customer. Reliance fresh continuously does Internal Marketing. This is important as it must precede external marketing. This includes hiring, training and motivating able employees. This way they serve customers well and the final result is a happy customer. The level of importance has changed to be in the following order (the more important people are at the top): 1. Customers 2. Front line employees 3. Middle level managers 4. Front line managers Physical evidences -Actual Experiferal evidence -A good time entry. -Sign boards. -Essential eminence of service. -Good parking place Process Process Exist are complex on railways like some processes are: -refund process / claim process. -Communication process. -Entraining/Detraining Process. The service segmentation Reliance Fresh has segmented their service to all class of people like rich, poor by providing standards of facility in different ways, for example you can find different items/buget packs for them these are the service segmentation of Reliance Fresh by which they are serving different categories of people. In all these service segmentation Reliance Fresh is providing different facilities and charging same money. Items at a Glance timetable, I have always used these on booking and have never had a problem, write the abbreviation in which you want to purchase, next to the word on the purchase form. Organizations are taking an interest in the international marketing of services because of low cost factors and the ability to compete in nearby country markets (Bradley 1995); however, international services pose special challenges for marketing managers as a result of the intangibility of services, the extent of customization, and differences in preferences across cultures. Research on international service offerings has focused on entry-mode choices technology growth , geographic roles, service influences on national competitive advantage and strategic differences across services . Yet the marketing literature has not investigated several key components of service strategy, particularly in the international domain. Customers Requirements and Customer Expectations Customers Experience after visiting the store can be said to be not much satisfactory. After this entire buzz it seemed to be a damp squib to me. 1. Choice and Range. Reliance Retail is primarily a super market store. So, one expects a wide range of goods available across various categories, brands and price ranges. Hardly there is any range available. Not even, any categories of goods. Just one or two we can easily live without. 2.  Super Markets like Nilgiris, Trinethra (recently bought by Birlas), Subhikhsa, and Modern Market especially the last one has a superb range and Reliance Fresh is nowhere in comparison to them. 3.  The Ambiance in the shop is good, but as I said nothing much different from the other super market chains. 4.  The staff is cordial and friendly very much eagerly looking forward to help. After I made the payment, the staff greeting me by saying a Namaste. This I liked a lot. Especially after horrible experiences of visiting shops in Kolkata. I do not know why but shop keepers in Salt Lake have this tendency of looking at you as if why do these customers keep bothering us, when u visits them. 5.  They accept card payment even for payments less than a hundred rupees. 6.   They have this membership card option with a free insurance thrown in, just to ensure that you show loyalty to them. As they go through the reviews by the members, they observe that the same points they have quoted above are bothering them too. Some more reading, browsing and research made me understand some of the aspects related to it, which I want to share with you. 1.  Customer is the last person in the minds of these supermarket chains. Though it might be surprising, thats the fact straightly put. What matters the most is the number. The more the number of stores opened, the more is the number of people visiting them, the more the chances of success. 2. The commission they get for selling a product. They are least bothered about providing a range of goods and brands to the Customer. In contrary, the companies that pay them the highest commission get to sell their goods from them. When they have the numbers, companies cannot afford to ignore them courtesy, the large number of customers visiting them. But why are the Customers visiting them, when they are not getting what they want? 3.  The feel good factor. The goods we buy here can be easily bought at any other grocery store round the corner. Then why do we flock to them? Just because, we feel good. We feel happy becoming a part of another India, which looks great much unlike the India we have grown in. We love the ambience. We like being greeted. 4.  By making a right balance between the numbers and the feel good factor, they achieve their targets some times much beyond the expectations they have set. We are just part of the market grind that is happening right now! Service recovery strategies -Improving the after sales services. -Admit and apologies. -rectification of any error -Compensate -Minor performance lapse need monitoring Quality concern Quality means watching the services from customer prospective. The main quality concern of Reliance Fresh is: To provide hygienic condition inside the stores. Avoiding as much as possible the delay in the schedule. Freshness is also one of the concern for Reliance fresh. Improving the infrastructure to world class level of standards. Integrated gap model of service quality Revenue% The central focus of gap model is the customer gap, the difference between customer expectations and perceptions. GAP-1 Not knowing what customer expect i.e. what are the expectation of customer of Reliance Fresh which can be due to inadequate marketing research. GAP-2 Not selecting the right service design and standards. Reliance Fresh have a good service design but not reached to that level of standards to meet all customer expectations. GAP-3 Not delivering to service designs and standards. This can be due to deficiency of human resource policy of Reliance Fresh. And may be due to failure in meeting supply and demand. Because of the huge population of India. GAP-4 Not matching performance to promises. This can be due to lack of integrating services marketing communication and ineffective management of customer expectation by Reliance Fresh. In this way the gap between expected quality and perceived quality can be calculated by Reliance Fresh. Blueprint of Reliance Fresh (near Patel chowk) Entering path Tracks for purchase of googd Tracks for purchase of googd Billing counter Gate keeper Entrance to Reliance Fresh This is the blueprint of reliance fresh. Customer when comes to this store firstly the gate keeper will check it and keep the bag if he has with him. The billing counter is first right of entrance. When customer enters it the tracks whether for seeing of goods and if he liked something than he can put it in trolley and then he can go the billing counter. If he needs some help than he also can ask for it but telling the nearest salesman. After selecting the good he can go to billing and go back to gate keeper. Gate keeper now demand for the receipt for just the security purpose. Pricing Strategies by Reliance Fresh -Discount pricing strategy -Wide price range of each items -Credit card acceptance -Accept coupons Competitive prices. -Price marked in paisas -comparable cost.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

PROCTER AND GAMBLE | Leadership and Change Management

PROCTER AND GAMBLE | Leadership and Change Management Procter and Gamble Overview Procter Gamble is American base worlds largest manufacturers of a wide range of products. The company main maker of household products in the United States, PG has operations is more then 80 countries around the world and markets its nearly 300 brands in more than 160 countries, more than half of the companys revenues are derived overseas. Company products, which fall into the main categories of fabric care, home care, beauty care, baby care, family care, health care, snacks, and beverages, are 16 that generate more than $1 billion in annual revenues (PG Annual Report 2009). 2. PG Change Process 2005 Change management is a word that is used in business to mean the way business to mean the way business is adopted in order to. Change is a constant in both professional and r private lives. According to Druker (1999) changes is generic. He further goes to give that, change leader sees change as opportunity. A change leader looks for change, knows how to find the right changes and knows how to make them effective both inside and outside of organization. The basic principles of change management, and provides some tips on how those principles can be applied. When leaders or managers are planning to manage change, there are five key principles that need to be kept in mind as shown below Different people react differently to change Everyone has fundamental needs Change often involves a loss Management Expectation Deal Management Fear Different people react differently to change Different people have different preferences for where they like to be on this spectrum. Some people like to be at the stability end of the spectrum, they like things to be the way they have always been. Other people like to be at the change end of the spectrum and they are always looking for something different and new. A managers responsibilities need to be revised to account for what employees need most during tough economic times. In Procter Gamble workshop which aligned with what the organization had already learned in the context of plant closures. We found the closures did much less damage when: Managers announced the date of closure and key milestones far in advance and also detailed how employees and members of the community would be affected. Managers fully explained to employees and the community the business reasons for the closure. Managers gave the employees affected the chance to find other jobs within the company or help them with resources for finding a job outside the organisation. Managers expressed their human concern, both publicly and privately, to affected employees and officials of the community. In this way, the key attributes of predictability, understanding, control and compassion were demonstrated. Everyone has fundamental needs By describing the landscape of unmet customer needs and analyzing where new offering have worked before, you can chart a path that will produce successful innovations time after time Anthony (2006). Understanding customer needs and building lasting relationships are important in helping an organization innovate. Businesses innovate through unmet customer needs. Customers express their needs that have not been met and organizations innovate to meet those needs. This is why PG is still leading the domestic product industry because, it listens to customers unmet needs and innovates aggressively to meet those needs. For instance, when babies were wearing cloths diapers, they were very leaky and labor intensive to wash; at that time, mothers needed an innovative product on the market to help fix the labor intensive part of washing the cloth diapers as well as the leakage. PG answered this innovative call by introducing a revolutionary product called Pampers into the market. Change often involves a loss The relevance of the loss curve to a change management programmed depends on the nature and extent of the loss. If someone is promoted to a more senior position, the loss of the former position is rarely an issue because it has been replaced by something better. But if someone is made prospect of getting a new job, there are many losses (income, security, and working relationships) that can have a devastating effect. The aforementioned are the primary features of change and PG management has recognized that. Sometimes, what employees do not understand is the impact of change on their professional and family lives; and it is the responsibility of management to communicate this impact to employees both positive and negative; but mostly, management overemphasizes on the positives and pays little attention on the negative impact. Kinicki (2007) mentioned Managerial changes viewed as good and necessary can be seen by employees as intimidating and even terrifying. But when companies dont take this into account, and force changes that employees arent prepared to handle, those companies risk alienating their workers, losing money and, in the end, seeing those great strategic changes fall flat. This is a communication strategy that PG has been successful in implementing corporate wide. The company ensures that the length and breath of all its units understand the impact of any change mostly at the professional level. Management ensures that everyone involved is interested in the change process. The more employees are interested in the change process the greater the success of the change or innovation. The most important element here is motivation. Management Expectation The relationship between expectations and reality is very important. You can see this in customer relations if a supplier fails to meet expectations then the customer is unhappy; if the supplier exceeds expectations then the customer is happy. All aspects of the marketing process with modules for marketing strategy development and deployment, concept development and testing, pricing strategy, package design, advertising development, media planning, direct marketing, interactive marketing, and sophisticated new know-how and tools for Internet-enabled product development and testing, among others. Hunter Hastings, chairman and chief executive (formerly CEO of Magnifi), who has an extensive background in brand marketing and corporate marketing services; Dan Maurer, president and chief operating officer (formerly general manager of PG i-Ventures), who has extensive international marketing and management experience in PG European and U.S. operations; Wade Miquelon, chief financial officer (formerly finance manager for PG e-commerce area, general partner for PG Internet venture fund and CFO for its Thailand operations), who brings experience in MA, corporate treasury, new business development, and strategy development; Pete Farner, vice president corporate development, (formerly Magnifi senior vice president sales and business development) who is an experienced and successful development executive in established and start-up businesses. Deal Management Fear In times of significant change rational thought goes out of the window. This means that people often fear the worst in fact, they fear far more than the worst, because their subconscious minds suddenly become illogical and see irrational consequences. Example: Our company is reducing staff, which means They will make people redundant, and Ill be the first to be kicked out, and Ill have no hope of getting another job, and I wont be able to pay the mortgage, so Ill lose the house, so My family wont have anywhere to live, and My wife wont be able to cope, so Shell leave me, and Ill be so disgraced the children wont speak to me ever again. Such fears need to be addressed, e.g. by helping people to recognize that most people who are made redundant find a better job with better pay and have a huge lump sum in their pocket! Or, where appropriate, by explaining how the reductions in staff numbers are going to be achieved (by natural wastage or voluntary redundancy). According to De Geus, these are the four key characteristics that best describe the company which can survive for very long periods in a changing world, because its managers who good at the management of change. The quartet provide the framework which enables a PG, or Coca-Cola, or GE to renew itself: note how PG, kept wealthy by its conservative financing, was able to learn from its own mistakes when adapting to a new marketing environment, and to reform and improve its relationships with entities like the major store chains. In doing so, the sustained strength of the corporate brand and culture was invaluable. 3. Analysis of PG strategic change? The road to hell is paved with good intentions this is how we would describe the implementation of Jagers (CEO) strategic change. PG was in deep trouble in the first half of 2000. For the first time in the past eight years PG was showing a decline in profits. In the late 1990s, PG faced the problem of stagnant revenues and profitability. In light of this the Organization 2005 program was launched in July 1999. As indicated in the paper responsibilities and Relationships were not optimised. Nevertheless It takes time for a restructure to become Effective, yet it needed better implementation. With the implementation of the program, PG aimed to increase its global revenues from $38 billion to $70 billion by 2005. The Organization 2005 program faced several problems soon after its launch. Jager concentrated more on developing new products rather than on PG well-established brands. Jager conducted some mistakes which proved costly for PG. For example, efforts made in January 2000 to acquire Warner-Lambert and American Home Products. Contrary to PG cautious approach towards acquisitions in the 1990, this dual acquisition would have been the largest ever in PG history, worth $140 billion. However, the stock market greeted the news of the merger negotiations by selling PG shares, which prompted Jager to exit the deal. Theref ore it will not be farfetched to conclude that the strategic change was welcomed and important to the corporate yet its implementation was not adequate. 4. Environmental Risk Analyses of Procter Gamble Companies and organizations must assess, mitigate, and monitor certain risks involved with their daily operations. A specific area of risk that must be identified is that on the local and global environment. Accidents, natural events, and deliberate assaults are all possible ways for an enterprise to cause pollution or other environmental risks. In order to limit, and hopefully prevent these situations, environmental risk management places a strong emphasis on targeting the problems that could arise and implements a system of metrics that help with prevention. According to Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA), which Procter Gamble (PG) typically calls human and environmental safety assessments, for all products, is key to building PG reputation as a good corporate citizen and maintaining a high level of public trust. This commitment stems from a long-held philosophical commitment that marketing safe products is a core business responsibility, both morally and in a business sense. Given these values, and the importance of ERA to PG future market access, the tool was well accepted by management and employees. Despite the companys success integrating ERA into core business practices, it still faces a number of practical challenges. These include balancing the time and resources spent on complex ERA with the speed at which the company can bring new products to market, balancing a desire for public transparency with the potentially negative business consequences of releasing too much competitive information, and overcoming external perceptions related to the use of risk assessment as a methodology to evaluate consumer products. Innovation is an extremely important driver for PG and drives the number of environmental risk assessments carried out by the company. As the company is continually developing innovative new products, PG submits more new substance notifications to the US Environmental Protection Agency, and its counterparts around the world than most, if not all, other consumer product manufacturers. Thus, the company must conduct more risk assessments to support these new substance notifications than companies that use existing substances in the manufacture of products. PG feels its risk-based approach and tiered ERA feeds more comprehensive information into RD, which ensures products are safe, without unnecessarily delaying innovation and delivery of products to market. This in turn, reduces operating costs for the company. In this way, PG directs more of its resources toward product improvements and key product safety issues. This avoids investing in product development only to have that product sent back to the drawing board based on risk assessment results, or investing resources in unnecessary product testing that may have no real relevance to safety. 5. Implementation of change organizational PG Countless change agents and other organizational interventionists fail to achieve desired results because they ignore or are unaware of the need to closely align change strategy with organizational personality. Durk I. Jager, former CEO of Procter Gamble Co., was clear about his goals when he took office in 1999: shore up overseas operation and grow top brands. These measures would remedy sagging sales and redeem PG image as the leading global marketer of consumer products. However, Jagers strategy for achieving these goals was perceived as being so abrasive, so discordant with PG personality, which his management team rebelled against him. He was forced to resign in less than two years. Alan G. Lafley, a longtime executive who understood and respected the companys culture, took office in 2000. Through a combination of wisdom, humility, personal engagement, and a careful alignment of change strategy to corporate personality, G. Lafley has turned PG into one of the great corporate su ccess stories of the twenty-first century. According to PG Chief Information and Global Services Officer, Filippo Passerini, the company envisioned itself fundamentally transforming the operation through the use of innovative technologies that will help the entire PG to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. In line with implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) system to improve data and files accessibility, PG adopted a new system the online workspace system. Online workspace systems are to build up an inventory of applications to deliver information for its global business units making them available as services through the portal. This process allows employees and managers to reuse systems and codes from other parts of the business (purchasing, marketing, logistics, manufacturing, etc). This new system includes a security module to protect information and a service platform to allow date from a variety of sources that could be accessed on demand. PG aims to improve and support decision making while also increasing internal and external peoples access to knowledge and information (Mari, 2008). There is no particular person who drives the change but the impetus for implementation of online workspace systems lies on the necessity to tap virtual working opportunities while also reducing workload due to web-based space and chargeback reports. PG realizes that to accommodate smarter working practices, there is the need for a fully integrated web-based facilities management environment. SOA underpins an online portal that will aggregate business information for PG 32, 000 managers. 6. Information Technology in PG PG business managers commit to meeting profit goals, market share goals, and volume goals. PG trying to develop a mirror program in IT with equivalent measures. Instead of shares, PG have service levels; instead of volume, they have value creation. It is very numerical, very measurable. Our scorecard is numbers. We even give our internal IT customers a sales booklet. Its a great identity builder. At the end of the year, you can say and show that you did it or you didnt do it. We have a business manager model within the company that really works, so IT is following it. 7. PG online Store How and where to distribute its products is one of the major decisions facing nearly all product marketers. Procter Gamble is dipping its toe into the online selling channel. While this is identified as only being a research lab intended to help PG learn more about consumer buying behavior, it nevertheless has to be making some retailers wonder what is next. The site will launch in the spring and is worth watching. 8. PG E-Notebook Proctor Gamble reinvent the process of invention within the company with an Electronic Lab Notebook system that went live within its research development organization at the end of February. Although online data tracking for researchers is not new, particularly within some specialties such as pharmaceuticals, PG challenge was to devise a system that encompasses the diversity of its research, which includes some drug development but also efforts to find a sudsier soap or a more absorbent diaper. 9. Conclusions As a consumer goods manufacturer, PG seize every opportunity that came their way most especially in placing emphasis on the role of technology is further brand building, innovations and process advancements. Expanding technical capacity lessened the duplication and inefficiency though IT is considered to be a cost. In optimizing the business, PG shift its culture from a technology-based to solutions-based company. The paradox though is on using IT systems and processes and arriving at the solutions. In realigning the PG approach, the company run as business whereby the changes is experienced on being a cost center where the focus is only on cost reduction to (cost, service levels, value creation and service management. Virtualization, personalization and real-time decision-making through corporate portal, ECM and online workspace systems are the main strategies. Strategic analysis has allowed us to understand the underlying objectives of change were much necessary on time. The Implementation of change is took time but PG took the competitive advantage which he has reward. The assumptions depend on the learning about the firm accounting practices, about its strategic choices and from the ratio analysis.

Iraq: a Lesson from Panama Imperialism and Struggle for Sovereignty Ess

Iraq: a Lesson from Panama Imperialism and Struggle for Sovereignty If History is to be the signifier of lessons learned, then why do wars continue to happen? The United States has never really been considered an Imperialist nation, but as history proves, the US has had a long stake in international geopolitical control over various countries, as well as economic markets that have made these countries dependent on the United States for survival. In light of recent events in Iraq, one should take a step back and look at the US’ history of hostile invasions to â€Å"make the world safe for democracy.† This mantra had devastating on the tiny country of Panama 14 years ago. Why did the US invade Panama? To free Panama from its oppressive dictator, Manuel Noriega. The result was the a death toll of three thousand, and the country’s further dependence on the US for economic survival. Who again was the US trying to save Panama from? In reviewing the story of Panama, one is able to draw uncanny connections to the current sit uation in Iraq. The administration even has many of the same people that decided to invade Panama under Bush senior. Now the same minds have decided to invade Iraq under George W. Bush, under the same pretext of â€Å"freeing the Iraqi people.† Based on history however, what will be the consequences for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi nation? On December 20,1989 President Bush ordered US forces into Panama as he explained, â€Å"to safeguard the lives of Americans, to defend democracy in Panama, to combat drug trafficking, and to protect the integrity of the Panama Canal Treaty.†[1] In December of 1989, 26,000 US soldiers occupied Panama in search of Manuel Noriega to be seized and tried on traffickin... ...s neighborhood, and with West Indians in Margarita, Colon, February 14-19, 1990 [20] CODEHUCA, Testimonies recorded by staff of the Central American Human Rights Committees, San Jose, Costa Rica, taken in Panama Jan. 29, 1990 [21] Ibid. [22] Ibid. [23] Pensamiento Propio, Jan./ Feb., 1990 â€Å"La guerra total de Bush† pp.28 [24] Ibid. [25] Opinion Publica, CELA, Panama, No.24 Feb.1990 Magela Cabera Arias, â€Å"La Reconstruccion en El Chorrillo,† pp. 8-9 [26] El Periodico, â€Å"Bombardean Pacora con substancias quimicas,† Panama Occupied Territory, Feb. 1990 p.8 [27] Ibid. [28] Reuters, Washington D.C., Jan 9, 1990 [29] Ibid. [30] Wheaton, p.20 [31] Ibid. [32] [33] CRS Issue Brief, Panama – US Relations: Continuing Policy Concerns [34] Ibid. Iraq: a Lesson from Panama Imperialism and Struggle for Sovereignty Ess Iraq: a Lesson from Panama Imperialism and Struggle for Sovereignty If History is to be the signifier of lessons learned, then why do wars continue to happen? The United States has never really been considered an Imperialist nation, but as history proves, the US has had a long stake in international geopolitical control over various countries, as well as economic markets that have made these countries dependent on the United States for survival. In light of recent events in Iraq, one should take a step back and look at the US’ history of hostile invasions to â€Å"make the world safe for democracy.† This mantra had devastating on the tiny country of Panama 14 years ago. Why did the US invade Panama? To free Panama from its oppressive dictator, Manuel Noriega. The result was the a death toll of three thousand, and the country’s further dependence on the US for economic survival. Who again was the US trying to save Panama from? In reviewing the story of Panama, one is able to draw uncanny connections to the current sit uation in Iraq. The administration even has many of the same people that decided to invade Panama under Bush senior. Now the same minds have decided to invade Iraq under George W. Bush, under the same pretext of â€Å"freeing the Iraqi people.† Based on history however, what will be the consequences for the Iraqi people and the Iraqi nation? On December 20,1989 President Bush ordered US forces into Panama as he explained, â€Å"to safeguard the lives of Americans, to defend democracy in Panama, to combat drug trafficking, and to protect the integrity of the Panama Canal Treaty.†[1] In December of 1989, 26,000 US soldiers occupied Panama in search of Manuel Noriega to be seized and tried on traffickin... ...s neighborhood, and with West Indians in Margarita, Colon, February 14-19, 1990 [20] CODEHUCA, Testimonies recorded by staff of the Central American Human Rights Committees, San Jose, Costa Rica, taken in Panama Jan. 29, 1990 [21] Ibid. [22] Ibid. [23] Pensamiento Propio, Jan./ Feb., 1990 â€Å"La guerra total de Bush† pp.28 [24] Ibid. [25] Opinion Publica, CELA, Panama, No.24 Feb.1990 Magela Cabera Arias, â€Å"La Reconstruccion en El Chorrillo,† pp. 8-9 [26] El Periodico, â€Å"Bombardean Pacora con substancias quimicas,† Panama Occupied Territory, Feb. 1990 p.8 [27] Ibid. [28] Reuters, Washington D.C., Jan 9, 1990 [29] Ibid. [30] Wheaton, p.20 [31] Ibid. [32] [33] CRS Issue Brief, Panama – US Relations: Continuing Policy Concerns [34] Ibid.

Friday, July 19, 2019

War on Terror Essay -- American History, Patriot Act

On september 11, 2001 there was an attack on America. Four airplanes were hijacked, two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, the third crashed into the Pentagon in D.C. and the fourth got stopped by a passenger. It was the first terrorist attack on the U.S. soil. Thousands of lives were lost that day. This attach was the most devastating act of belligerence on U.S territory since the Civil War (Terrorism, 2011). This even had an enormous influence on America and its history. It led to numerous short and long term effects. On September 20, 2001, former president George W. Bush announced publicly that he declares â€Å"War on Terror†. After this announcement, our country has altered. To determine if an effect was positive or negative, determines on the view point of the person. Some of those effects include; USA Patriot Act, creation of TSA, the War, and issues soldiers have after combat and health problems of Ground Zero. However, if the effects w ere positive or negative, it still made a massive mark in our country. One major organization that was created from the attacks on September 11th that lead to the declaring â€Å"War on Terror† was the creation of TSA, Transportation Security Administration. TSA was created to develop policies to protect airport transportation and prevent aircraft hijacking. It oversees security for highways, railroads, buses, mass transit systems, pipelines and ports. Though they are mostly responsible for screening passengers and checked and carry-on luggage at about 450 airports. Different types of TSA employees are; Transportation Security Officer, Federal Air Marshal, Transportation Security Inspector and National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program. (Security, 2010) T... ...a federal office of homeland security to prevent the nation of future terrorist attacks (September 11, 2006). After September 11th and the declare War on Terror every person of power tried doing whatever they could to help protect our nation. There is no doubt that after this powerful event, important things started to dwindle (September 11, 2006). Some major issues were our economy weakened, unemployment increased, and our recession worsened (September 11, 2006). Airports had it the worse, they had to face bankruptcy, there insurance increased and they had to undertake costly overhauls of their security systems September 11, 2006). War on Terror affected our nation greatly, in different way someone was hurt by it. People tried fixing it and picking up the pieces, but some things just can’t be fixed. Time is the only way our nation will recover.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

English Patient

This key passage is from Michael Nonnative's The English Patient, found in the first few pages of chapter four. Before, this passage, Hanna is sitting beside Llamas while he begins to describe his first expedition in the deserts in the asses. After, Llamas explained how he came to hate nations, but was attached to the desert as It could not be claimed or own. The passage between reinforces the Idea that Identity Is not fixed, It changes over time as people grow and gain experience.This Is made evident through Almanacs character which Is portrayed through the symbol of the desert. Symbolism Is used to encapsulate plot elements that are crucial to the theme and allow the reader a deeper level of Interpretation of the novel. The desert represents transience; It Is neither fixed nor unitary. Further, It cannot be claimed, owned or defined similar to Almanacs Identity, which Is constantly shifting. Llamas explained: â€Å"The breeze that had been refreshing had gradually strengthened.Eve ntually we coked down, and the surface of the desert was changed. † This demonstrates the desert's refusal to use anything artificial such as borders, or names as a landscape because it's continuously changing by sandstorms, similar to how Llamas refuses to reveal his identity because it changes over time and does not reflect where he comes from. Identity is dynamic, and many factors are needed to create an identity. The reader is prompted to reconsider what exactly makes up an identity, what defines who are. Identity should be chosen rather than inherited.

Evolution of Women in the Military

The Evolution of Wo manpower in the armed forces abstract Wo hands atomic number 18 without doubt an integral character reference of the force armed overhauls. It took the determi state of matter of wo hands done and end-to-end fib to pave the way for the 400,000, wo workforce that service of fulfil today. From the initiatory years of the soldiers to the present affair in Afghanistan, women take outdoor(a) do never-ending progress to state of state of state of wards comparability. It is through their contri howeverions that the troops has evolved, consistently opening more than jobs to women in f every last(predicate) upon. cartridge holder has presentn that war does non separate a successful soldiery uses the efficacys of every last(predicate) members despite their gender.The Evolution of Women in the troops Women in Military History Although non offici whollyy enlisted into the run, women excite been a fate of the legions dating back to the A meri enkindle basal contend. finishedout annals, they have challenged the norms of friendship and pursued their dedication to the Nation, chip for our freedom. Women in the legions have fought through challenges and obstacles in some(prenominal) conflicting for ableity and establishing their roles in flake. It is clear that the legions services would non be what they are today without their contri andions and sacrifices.The archaean Years From the Ameri tail assembly Revolutionary fight through the civilised war women contributed to the war in both conventional and irregular ways. In serving as what we would predict today engagement service Support, they took trouble of the wounded, brought water to troops, provided laundry services, and resolved as cooks. umteen women this instant financial backinged the cause by disguising themselves as men in devote to fight in the war. Two such(prenominal) documented cases were Deborah Sampson during the American Revolut ionary struggle and Elizabeth Newcom during the Mexican contend.Sampson served in the Continental Forces for every smudge a year, she upright makeed half(a) of the pension the men authoritative during that time. Newcom enlisted in the Missouri volunteer Infantry and marched for oer 600 mies. Once disc everyplaceed, the armed services accomplish her with no benefits. Thither were likewise several women who fought a abundantside their husbands with no relent or benefits. If their husbands received wounds during the conflict, they did non hesitate for a mho to step in and traverse the fight. unmatchable of the most well-known women of the Civil warfare was Dr. bloody shame Walker.She was unable to find a paying job in the military simply because she was a cleaning char cleaning woman, She volunteered on the cause lines, saving thousands of lives. Although the military did non mobilise these women Soldiers, at that time, I would fence in that their actions and contributions whether direct in the fight or support were that of Soldiers. From the Spanish American warfare in 1898 to 1908 women go along to progress. With the number of casualties from the war raise the medical system, the military services were in dire need of help. They had no filling but to allow women into the services, but continued to restrict them as contract workers and.By the wars end, the legions hired everywhere 1,500 nurse contractors that served at hospitals throughout the world. The surgical operation of the contract nurses was not without notice this prompted Dr McGee to frame legislation creating a permanent corps of nurses. This was a study turning microscope stage for women in the military, which resulted in the front woman appointed as the motioning appurtenant Surgeon planetary, Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee. It was unequivocal that the military could not meet the demands of the war without the use of women resulting in the establishment of the so ldiery entertains pot in 1901 and the navy Nurse Corp in 1908 (Highlights in History, n. . ). The period of valet contend I and orb War II brought significant advancements for women in the military although it would prove that women were expendable. After the passing of the Selective Service Act and the draft initiated, there were over 4. 8 million men served fighting in the war. This had a significant clash on the women of the nation not only were they take aim to fill the millions of jobs left on the sign of the zodiac front, but the military needed the women to free the men of non conflictant duties. The navy blue and Marines were the low gear to enlist women ignoring red tape eternizeing from coition.The Navy enlisted over 12,000 Yeomen and 1,500 nurses and the Marines enlisted over three hundred women in the reserves as telecommunicate operators and clerks. The Army unofficially enlisted over 21,000 nurses as contract workers and volunteers. The Army Signal Cor p trained over 300 bilingual telephone operators and stenographers. At the end of the war, the military did not grapple women for their service or consider them oldtimers. For example, the telephone operators left the military with little appreciation, receiving no ceremonies and no dress discharge or benefits. These women erformed duties no little important than the men did and the mission would have failed without them, yet the military was able to unfreeze them with no concern for their contributions. In 1979, the Army re in expressectioned the womens service and watch outd that they performed duties as any other Soldier had. They gave them honorable recognition unfortunately, for some it was too late, they passed away never receiving the title of Veteran. As women volunteered for service for a resistant military, compared to the umpteen men that the government drafted it was clear the military did not appreciate their commitment, sacrifices and honor the worth of wome n.This was evident by the Army Re musical arrangement Act in 1920, which granted military nurses sexual relation order of an officer, not receiving the very(prenominal) pay, benefits, and privileges as that of young-begetting(prenominal) officers of the self uniform(prenominal) rank (Chronicles of, 2007). As World War II began, the military could not ignore the contribution of women during World War I and knew they could not fight another war without them. During World War II, over 400,000 women served in the military in both the United States and Overseas. We know World War II for the number of women that served punctuate both the need for women in the military and their commitment to trade.However, women would bear many challenges during this time. Women in the military continued to go against the norms of gild that considered womens place to be at home taking care of the home and family. The absolute volume of men in the military did not accept them as equals although t hey held many positions previously only held by men. The problems with date foray and slander continued. According to Gruhzit-Hoyt (1995), a cite heard often among men in the Navy, they had joined the navy to ride the WAVES (Women recognised for Volunteer Service).These challenges continue to exist level in todays military. Highly trained women were underutilized and stratified far under their duties and responsibilities. It was common for higher(prenominal) ranking individuals to assign some women as babysitters and personal servants. The Corps of Engineers and Medical serve used their assigned women as imbibe commandos (Weatherford, 1990). One example is of a mystical named Mary McMillin. She held the womens world altitude record in parachuting, having jumped from 24,800 feet and known for her work as a daredevil in the warm circus.Her duties in the Army were to pack parachutes for untested men who had never jumped before in their lives (Weatherford, 1990). The rank of women during this time was far below that of men. One such case was Oveta Culp spare-time activity she was responsible for over 60,000 women, formed an organization from scratch, and took on complex missions. Her rank was Colonel, which compared to the rank of a man who would command no more than 500 Soldiers (Weatherford, 1990). These are only a few examples but women matte up the inequality throughout the military for many years.Women not only had the issues of being a fe manful in the military, but they dealt with the same issues that the men did being at war. They had nonstandard living conditions, which were some time worse than the mens, deficiency of supplies and fear of the Enemy. In 1942, the Japanese held 67 women for over two years as Prisoners of War (POW). They also captured five Navy nurses holding them for five months and a entropy group, holding them for 37 months. The Japanese inured the women worse than the men POW, raping and harassing them on a consistent basis.These events farther supported the view of the majority of parliamentary law who believed the military service was no place for a woman. This did not stop women from fighting to be in the services. By the end of the war, the military make significant strides in establishing women into the military. All services had gear uped either a corps or reserve for women the Army effected the WAC, the argument Force completed the Women Air force Service Pilots (WASP), the Navy established the Women Excepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), and the Marines and semivowel Guard established the Womens Reserves.It is embarrassing to imagine how the war would have stop without the 400,000 women that served. Nether less, it was clear that history would geminate itself and once again, the military dismissed the majority of women even if more qualified than their male counter start ups. Time for Change The years following World War II through Post Korean War would set out much c hange and initial incredulity for women in the services, yet would prove to be a time of positive and perdurable change. In 1945, the WAC closed for enlistment, closing all training c dons.The number of women in the WAC fall from over 150,000, to barely 3,000. Although some women were content to return home to their lives before the war, represent that they had the need and passion to do more. The Army realized the need to maintain women in the regular Army, therefore, a year later the Army Chief of Staff Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower began the border of making the WAC a permanent part of the Army. After three years with Lt. Col. Mary Louise Milligan leading the way, President Truman signed the Womens Armed Services consolidation Act. This was a historic time for women throughout all services.The first enlisted women entered the stock Army was in July 1948, and the first WAC officers received official Army appointments in December 1948 (Women in the, n. d. ). This exposed the door for the military to recognize women for their service and made it possible for women to practise the military a career. It was through the Korean War and the years following that women would fetch to understand what being part of the constant Army would mean. The Army recalled many Officers for duty and involuntarily extended those enlisted that had planned to take leave the military.More than 500 women served in the combat zone. The Koreans killed 17 women during the war, which was considerably less than World War II fortunately, the military gave these women the same courtesies and benefits as the men. Following the Korean War, more positions open to women, and training available for women increased tremendously. A true testament to women fully desegregation into the services is the addition of reenlistment bonuses and pay increases and for the first time implementation of uniforms for women.Women could finally assert that they were officially part of the United State s military organization although the involution for true equality was far from won. The militarys expectations of women were in contradiction to the growing feminist hunting expedition in the United States during the Vietnam War but would eventually have to adhere to the expectations of the nation (Highlights in History, n. d. ). The military expected women to find out like women. They were to dress enamourly in skirts and high heels, where make up, and use appropriate ladylike manners.These guidelines even applied to the women in Vietnam. The military spent money to develop women to perform what they considered a womens work, such as typing and cooking, even if trained and well(p) in other technical skills. These actions further restricted promotions for women making them uncompetitive and unentitled for promotion to Admiral or world-wide. eventually the military could no longer go against the demands of young-bearing(prenominal) service members for equality congress vot ed to allow womens promotion to higher pay grades to include Admiral and General in 1967. Women in the, n. d. ). This movement would propel many firsts for women throughout the Vietnam War to include first woman enlisted in the Air subject Guard, promoted to Brigadier General, aircraft maintenance officer, promoted to Major General, first naval vessel sails with female and male crew, and the Armys first woman helicopter pilot. Although this was a step in the right direction, there was still a long road to equality. The Armed operate citizens committee of the US House of Representatives made the following statement making that clear. here cannot be complete equality amidst men and women in the matter of military careers. The stern demands of combat, sea duty, and other types of assignments directly related to combat are not placed upon women in our society. It is recognized that a male officer in arriving at the point where he may be considered for general and flag rank passes through a crucible to which the woman officer is not subjectedsuch as combat, long tours at sea, and other dangers and isolation (Women in the, n. d. ). From the post Vietnam Era to the present, women continued to earn their way to the highest ranks in the military.They took on the toughest jobs and assignments and proved that they were as able-bodied as men to complete the most complex missions. During this time, women enter into the service academies and graduate, a woman commands a major military installation, the first black woman promoted to Brigadier General. During exploit yet Cause in Panama, two woman Command companies and the list continues. Women would continue to appearance their relevance through accomplishment Iraqi Freedom and presently in Operation Enduring Freedom.Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) would prove to be both a time for women to jump and time of great challenges for women in the military. there have been more women killed in OIF than in any war since World War II with over 200,000 deployed. Unfortunately, the war itself has not been the only challenge. The biggest challenge has come from inside our own ranks. According to several studies of the US military funded by the Department of Veteran Affairs, 30% of military women are ravaged while serving, 71% are sexually assaulted, and 90% are sexually chevvy (Benedict, 2009).While deployed leadership issues women whistles, ordered them to stay with meshing buddies. Is this what a Soldier deserves while fighting for her country? With the increase of sexual misconduct, the military has taken a more proactive approach to training and has given victims more options for reporting. Although not officially authorized to serve in direct combat, they are. They conduct patrol, female searches at checkpoints and serve as pilots unspoilt to name a few. This has led to the debate of womens roles in combat. Womans Roles in Combat Womens roles in combat have been a subject of debate.Both in the military and inwardly society, people believe that women do not belong in direct combat or on the front lines. Those that do support women in combat argue that some, not all women are just as capable as men to perform combat duties and should be afforded the same opportunities as men in the military. thither are compelling arguments on both sides, but the truth is that women entrust continue to fight for equal treatment in all facets of the military. Although the thought of women fighting on the front lines of combat is at times difficult to imagine, it is reality.There are concerns with physical capability, mental ability, and effects on the unit. The opposition says that women are caretakers, nurturers, life givers and everything that combat entails goes against those roles. Combat as defined by General Robert Barrow, source commandant of the US Marine Corps, scene to danger is not combat. Being fortuity at, even being killed, is not com bat. Combat is findingclosing withand killing or capturing the rival. It is killing, and its done in an purlieu that is often as difficult as you can possibly imagineBrutality.Death. Dying. Its uncivilized And women cant do it (Muir, 1992, p. 3). This statement is very broad and stereotypes all women. However, not all women are the same and many women ask the same hazard to fight and die if need be for their country. Another common argument is that women do not have the physical strength and stamina to conduct combat missions. most(prenominal) would agree that the majority of women, as with many men, are not physically capable to perform combat duties. Therefore, the military should develop a physical test to determine MOS eligibility.This would enable the most qualified force out to perform in combat, regardless of sex. Is a woman mentally capable of killing, can they pull the trigger? Women may go through a different decision-making process than a man, although with training , and mission analysis, they will do what they have to do. Combat has an effect on all service members. Women will have post combat issues, but no different than men. Effects on the units can be minimal if the military develops a slow and deliberate plan to meld women into the units.Change is difficult, but we are a Military that must adapt to a forever changing environment. As with the repeal of tangle witht ask, Dont tell it is the leaders responsibility to educate, train, and perform changes that in the end state will only make us a stronger military. The Military Leadership Diversity Committee is currently in support of women fulfilling combat roles. It is clear that women have been serving in combat roles unofficially for years. Units have modishly attached women to combat units instead of appoint them or simply tasking them to perform missions in direct combat.The mission will place many women not attached or tasked in direct combat with the enemy meeting the exact defin ition of General Robert Barrow. Therefore, the reality is that women are on the front lines, and it is time that the military opens all jobs to women. Considering the major contributions of women, and the impact they had on the military, it is imperative that the military gives women the same opportunities to serve their country as their male counterparts. Contributions of Women throughout History umpteen legendary women throughout military history are not well known.Early in history they did not serve in legitimate roles therefore, nobody wrote about or recognized them until many years later. soon enough it is important to understand without their contributions things may be different today. Catherine Moore Barry was primarily responsible for General Morgan defeating Gen Cornwallis at Cowpens during the Revolutionary War, which crowning(prenominal)ly resulted in the Colonies winning their independence from Britain. rosebush ONeal Greenhow who became one of the take up-known sp ies during the Civil War sent a core to Gen Beauregard resulting in him taking Bull Run.Col flushed Bradley who is the most decorated Army Nurse served for 34 years, participating in the WWII and the Korean War. More recently, Maj Marie Therese Rossi, she was the first female combat Commander to fly into battle. She paid the ultimate sacrifice when her helicopter crashed in prove 1991. Finally, Sgt Leigh Ann Hester who is the first female to receive the plate Star Medal since World War II. These are only a few examples of womans contributions throughout the years, but if they had been there where would we be today. ConclusionFrom the days of the Revolutionary War when women disguised themselves as men to fight in the war to today when women are closer than ever to equal treatment as the men they serve alongside of, they have endured through many challenges and obstacles. Women battled against sexual harassment and assault, rape, slander and uneven pay and benefits. During the early wars, many underestimated the value of women. Commanders in charge did not want women in their ranks. As time and war, progressed Commanders had a newfound respect for females in their units and would ask for them over the men.Although the military had become restricted on women to fill the noncombat positions, they immediately discharged them at the wars end until 1948 when they enlisted in the Regular Army. From this point on women had fought the uphill battle to today in 2012 when congress opened another 14,000 jobs for women closer to the front lines. Through their contributions, sacrifices and determination womens relevance in the military is clear they have challenged the norms of society and assisted in the success of the military we know today as the best in the world. References Benedict, H. (2009). The lonely soldier.Boston, MA beacon fire Press Books. Chronicle of nursing. (2007). Retrieved from http//www. asrn. org/jouranl-chronicle-nursing/207-military-nursing. hypertext mark-up language Gruhzit-Hoyt, O. (1995). They also served. New York, NY Carol Publishing Group. Highlights in the history of military women. (n. d. ). Retrieved from www. womensmemorial. org/Education/timeline. html Muir, K. (1992). Arms and the women. London, England Sinclair-Stevenson Limited. Weatherford, D. (1990). American women and world war II. New York, NY Facts on File. Women in the U. S. Army. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. army. mil/women/newera. html